Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Equinox / Ostara

Spring Equinox

Yesterday, we celebrated
The Spring Equinox/Ostara, or
 better known as the First Day of Spring!

Spring is a time for celebration. It's the
time of year when we can get out of the 
house and enjoy the fresh air, smells 
and beauty that comes with Spring.

It's a time when we begin our planting and
reconnecting with Mother Earth after a 
long and cold winter. It's a time
for rebirth, renewal and regrowth.

How did you celebrate Spring Equinox/ Ostara?

It was another beautiful day with a
temperature of 84 degrees.

I started out by making a birds nest
materials bag. I used the mesh bag
that my onions came in.  I then filled
the bag with dryer lint, hair from our
hairbrushes and I was finally able
to use all of the scrap yarn pieces
from left over crochet projects.

I crocheted a chain into the mesh bag
to secure it shut, then wrapped the
chain around a nice and thick
tree branch and secured it once more.

Now my feathered friends have a
nice variety of building materials
for building their new nests
this Spring.

Perhaps I'll see my scrap yarn
built into one of the birds nests
during one of my walks.
How wonderful that would be to
know that I had a part in helping
to create a safe and cozy nest for
the new bird family.

After I hung the new bird nest
material bag, I took a little stroll
along the side of my house.

I love this tree!

My Rose Bush

Ahh, I see that the squirrel
has discovered the peanut 
that I left for him. 

Just Beautiful!

I've always loved these. Most people
call them weeds, but they're still pretty!

These were always my number one
favorite weed since I was little.

Yesterday, there was only one 
Grape Hyacinth in bloom,
now look at all these new blooms!

I'm not sure of the name of these adorable 
little flowers. They are white with a pink
lines and tint all around the petals.

Now, it's time to take a nice country drive!

 Driving out of our small town.
Look how pretty the tree is.

These are the most beautiful trees!

The farmers are working on their farms

Looks like this farmer is getting a head start
with his fields!

Driving past the creek!

This driveway is lined with
all of the beautiful white trees.

Here's an old one room School House!

Life is coming back!!

How beautiful these trees are!

The horses were out grazing in their fields!

These umbrella shaped trees are adorable!

That concludes today's tour!
Thanks for joining me!
See you next time!!

Ciao Ciao

Monday, March 19, 2012

A Spring Stroll!

Is Spring really here?? It was such a beautiful day here in Ohio. 
The temperatures actually reached 84 degrees today.
This is very odd for this time of year.
 It should be freezing cold with snow falling.
 We should be cuddling under our heaviest afghan
and enjoying a nice cup of hot cocoa!
 The kids should be having snowball fights
and making snow angels outside!

I had to go digging for a pair of shorts and T-Shirt today.
 It was so hot and humid outside that I actually had to put 
the A/C on in the car for the first time since the summer.

 I do have to admit that although I'm not a fan of hot
and humid weather, I really am enjoying the Spring.
 The trees and flowers are blooming
 and its ever so beautiful!

Shhh! Don't tell anybody!!

I couldn't pass up a chance to take a nice little
stroll around our yard. It was the perfect day!
The sounds of the birds chirping, butterflies zipping
all around and the sweet aroma of the flowers,
  I couldn't wait to go outside and start exploring!
 I was in search of new Spring flowers,
 and to find out if Spring really is upon us early. 

Let's take a nice stroll together!

The first sign of Spring!
(That was fast!)
Once you take a step outside,
you'll see all those little red buds
everywhere that fell off the trees
 during the recent storms!

I was greeted by the sounds of a chainsaw
and wondered what my hubby was
getting into?

He was cutting down some 
trees and limbs in the yard
 and adding them to his
 ever growing wood pile.

He has so many ideas
of what he wants to create
with all of this wood!

Hmm, stools for around the fire pit perhaps?

He won't be bored with all of this wood.
This is just the beginning of the wood
piles that surround different parts 
of our yard.

If the weather keeps up like this,
I'll be using these in the
very near future!

And let's continue through the yard
and see what we can find!

Doesn't is smell heavenly?
There must be flowers
out here someplace!

This looks like a great spot for a bird feeder!
Oh wait! Look over there!!

Wow, look at all of these
beautiful daffodils!

As we continue our little backyard stroll,
we find a little field of beautiful
scilla flowers!!

These tiny blue and purple scilla flowers
are just so pretty and petite!

Time to take a short break, 
 sit down and just take in 
and enjoy all of the
beauty that surrounds us!

We sure do have a lot 
of beautiful daffodils
throughout the yard!

We just found the first hyacinth in the yard!!
I see a few grape hyacinth's getting
 ready to bloom! Hope we get
pictures on the next stroll!

Just love the variety of colors
on the daffodils in our yard!

Other parts of the yard starting to bloom!

More beautiful scilla flowers!

This is where I plan on putting our Fairy Garden
this summer! It's the perfect size area! 
It goes all the way up to that tree!

It overlooks a few windows
so we can enjoy all of 
the beauty anytime we want!

Time to get the birdfeeders 
and bird nesting materials out
so the birds can build their nests!

It's such a beautiful day, even with the
clouds rolling in!

I hope you enjoyed our little backyard stroll!
Come back in a few days for our next stroll
and see what new flowers are in bloom!

Maybe we'll get lucky and capture
some pictures of my favorite trees! 
The Cherry Blossom and Dogwood Trees!

Time for me to start working on my crocheting!

Have a BEAUTIFUL day!!

See you soon!
Ciao Ciao!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Valentine's Day Sweets For My Loves

I love to make my loves something
special and homemade each holiday. 
For Valentine's Day, I baked up some
 yummy treats filled with love!

Mini-Cupcakes, Heart Shaped Cookies,
Chocolate Heart Lollipops, 
Chocolate Hearts and Stars and
Chocolate Covered Strawberries!

For my 5 Loves!

While I was making the cookies,
I had some extra help.
My little helper really
enjoyed helping his

I love this picture of him
trying to roll his cookie!

We need some more colorful Jimmies!

He was so proud of his very own cookie!

This was the best Valentine's Day!!
I love my family!!